High purity plastic valves and PTFE Solenoid values

High purity plastic valves and PTFE Solenoid values are made from PTFE, PVDF and other high purity plastics. These types of valves are produced by specialty plastic fabricator manufacturers for use in severe and critical service applications for the Pharmaceutical, Defense, Alternate Energy, Semiconductor, Medical and Chemical industries, to remotely control fluid flow. Since these products, including PTFE Solenoid Valves, are most often utilized in a corrosive laboratory environment or clean room automation environment, the high purity plastics of construction ensure the best results against corrosion and their chemical resistances offers long life within the application. Custom fluid control products made from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and other industrial plastics can be found in a wide variety of specifications to meet the many possible applications and can often be tailor-made to a customer’s particular requirements.

Company resources:Seamless belts, PTFE sheet, oven liner,

Read more:http://www.ptfeglassfiber.com/blog/

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