月归档:二月 2012

PTFE – An Excellent Paintwork Pprotector

If you aren’t looking for the best car polish out there, then you should be, and you should be for several reasons. Apart from your car being your pride and joy and a big investment, you need to remember that … 继续阅读

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Defining today’s PTFE paste extrusion process

The PTFE polymer resin comes in a powder form that only has an average grain size of around .2mm. The powder itself is very wax-like, and as such can be easily bruised or sheared through handling, especially with mechanical means. … 继续阅读

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Mechanical PTFE: Economical,Reprocessed

Mechanical PTFE is an economical, reprocessed PTFE with slightly lower physical properties than virgin grade. It is also referred to as “recycled” or “reclaimed”. Reprocessed material is added during the manufacturing process; usually a small percentage but it varies. It … 继续阅读

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PTFE is Used Worldwide and Most Slippery Material

PTFE is engineered with a ratio of four fluorine atoms to every two carbon atoms. This means, that the carbon center of the molecule is shielded by fluorine atoms. This means that molecule is almost essentially totally shielded from contact … 继续阅读

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When Using Silicone Bakeware

When using silicone bakeware, you will not have to add fatty butters or shortening to your baked goods to prevent sticking. This one feature makes silicone bakeware safer for your heart health than other products. The baked goods simply fall … 继续阅读

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Using An At-home Scar Product

Wearing silicone sheets for months at a time can call attention to home removal especially if it is one a part of the body that people frequently notice such as one the face. Unfortunately, some people affected by scars suffer … 继续阅读

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PTFE:protecting the paintwork of vehicles

PTFE is not only used in the car industry but also in the caravan and camper van market and is even used in aviation on airplanes and marine on boats. So, as you can see PTFE is certainly making a … 继续阅读

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Using – The ABCs of PTFE

PV limits for PTFE approach zero at temperatures between 550F and 600 F. Useful PV limits must take into account the composition’s wear characteristics and allowable wear for the application. When considering PTFE for dry lubrication, low friction, you must … 继续阅读

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PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) – Industrial Plastic

PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) is an industrial plastic useful for its chemical inertness and its high-purity properties, allowing it to perform well even under extreme temperatures, corrosive environments and within acidic fluids. The chemical resistance properties make PTFE a remarkably versatile polymer … 继续阅读

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