If You’ve Never Done any Open Flame Cooking

If you’ve never done any open flame cooking or camp cooking before, one of the things to be aware of is that you’ll need to

monitor food closely from start to finish because it can burn quickly. Placing a marshmallow or hot dog on the end of a good

stick and holding the food at just the right distance from the heat. One of the disadvantages to this kind of cooking is that

cookware gets much dirtier than it does when cooking with a stove. So most likely open flame cooking will require less clean

-up. Although campfire cooking can take a little more time than simply firing up the stove, it is more rewarding. If on the

other hand you’re in the mood to take your time and enjoy the experience, cooking using a utensil over an open flame can be

relaxing in a way that a stove can’t begin to match.

Here are some items that you will need to have to be prepared : Camping Cookbooks containing all the unique and fun camping

recipes to make open flame cooking enjoyable. A large barbecue grill or rack will let you enjoy the full flavor and aroma,

using either wood or charcoal briquettes. On a Campfire a simple and easy way of cooking is to set a large coffee can on the

coals.This method of cooking is the most common form of outdoor cooking. There is definitely more to It than just scorching

marshmallows and making smokes. Have an outdoor party. Guest or spectators may soon become participants as the host or hosts

divide their guests into teams and turn them loose for an afternoon of supervised scorching Spurred on, in part, as they are

getting hungry. It is gaining in popularity because it brings friends and family together at the same time.

read more: http://www.ptfeglassfiber.com

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