Dehydrating or drying food is not difficult.

You simply place the food you desire to dehydrate into the solar dehydrator and the hot circulating air does the rest. The most important thing to remember is that the temperature should never exceed 200 degrees F. or your food will begin to cook rather than dry out.

?Dehydrated foods will last longer because they do not need refrigeration. Even canned goods, if not eaten right away, will spoil without refrigeration after they have been opened.
?You can take advantage of your own garden or locally grown produce rather than fruits and vegetables that have been picked early while green to allow for the time needed to ship and stock.
?You are assured the food is free of pesticides, etc., because you know where it came from.
?You are able to take advantage of the specials on seasonal produce by saving money on purchasing larger quantities than what you are able to use while the food is fresh.
?Dried food takes up a fraction of the space that frozen or canned food does.
?Dried food is good for the environment because it eliminates the energy and materials used in the processing and packing process.
?Dried foods are delicious, more fragrant and colorful, nutritious, easily prepared, lightweight and easy to carry and store.

Company resources:PTFE open meshes, Seamless belts
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