A Dutch Oven and You Need to Select

A Dutch Oven is a round pot used for cooking. The pot holds in heat in to cook the food, much like a oven. Generally, there are two types, kitchen and camp. The kitchen model is made for placing in your oven at home and cooking. The metal is thinner and the bottom is flat. The camp version is heaver, thicker walled and has legs. These legs are used to lift the oven off the ground so you may place charcoal under it.With camp ovens, they come in two metals – aluminum and iron. Aluminum is lighter weight (7-10lb) and is easier to maintain since it does not rust. Alum ovens are good for canoeing or other camping where weight is an issue. But aluminum ovens do not hold heat as well and can cause inconsistent cooking. Iron ovens are heaver (15-20lbs) and require seasoning to protect the iron from rusting. Iron ovens are great for regular family camping because they hold heat well and cook more evenly. I recommend using the iron oven for family camping because most of the cook books will assume a iron oven and weight isn’t an issue for drag and drop camping.

Now that you know what metal to get, you need to select a size. Ovens come in standard and deep heights. Standard sized ovens heat up the center of your food faster than a deep oven. Use a standard oven for fast cooking and a deep for slower cooking like browning rolls. For starting out, I recommend getting the standard size as it is what your recipe will assume. The oven diameters vary also. Large ovens equal more food. For your first oven, I recommend a 14 inch oven.Your oven will need to have some other typical features for a camp Dutch Oven. First, the lid will have a raised lip to hold the coals on top. This allows you to heat the food from above. Next, a loop handle for the main pot and a small loop for the lid. Don’t get lids with ‘frying pan’ handles.

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