Free Sheet Music On The Net – Truth or Fiction?

Typing “free sheet music” into google or any other search engine will have tempted anyone looking for sheet music on the net. And indeed, the search engines respond by giving us page after page of hits. But what does the user really get on these pages – and is it legal?This article has a look at the current state of “free sheet music downloads”.

The search “free sheet music” (without the inverted commas) on google spews out an impressive 17,300,000 pages. Even the most inexperienced internet-user will immediately realize that the truth cannot be quite so bountiful. I click on the first hit on google (results on yahoo and msn will differ) and am promised thousands of downloadable scores. On closer inspection this turns out to be a number of Irish tunes at most, with most of the promised pieces in fact consisting of links to more so called “free sites”. Funnily enough the owner of the website at one point even points out not to send him any nasty e-mails about the lack of free scores on the site. So let’s try the second hit. After navigating round the site promising me free scores, I always end up on a page telling me that all of these scores are free to download – for a small fee of 20 Dollars a year. As a user I am starting to feel confused – I haven’t seen a single piece of sheet music. Can I trust this site? What would the quality of the scores be if I paid the 20 Dollars?Frustrated, I move on to the next search engine result. This site at least has the courage to tell me on the main page that the so-called free scores will cost me 30 dollars a year, yet once again, I fail to detect a single quaver or treble clef. No scores are available for preview. This is starting to remind me of the “free DVD” I get with my Sunday paper. Only that I have to purchase the Sunday paper first.

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