Decorative pillows in lighter colors or with a floral

Lighter weight area rugs like sisal, which will also work great into the summer, as they are easy to clean. Choose a natural color sisal rug and get creative, use stencils, paint squares, stripes or applying appliqués.  Scent is another part of your spring home decorating. Candles and Potpourri are not just for the winter months. There are many lighter scents perfect for bringing in spring. The following are just a few examples of what is available.

No matter what changes you decide to make in your home decorating this spring here’s something to remember,“As the days become warmer open those windows and let the fresh air fill your home.” It’s one of the best ways of bringing spring in and best of all its Free. One final thought, even though the snow is gone and the grass is turning green, please remember our feathered friends. They will always give us enjoyment and entertainment no matter what the season maybe.

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