The choice of Conveyor Belt should be made with expert advice.

The manufacturers and consultants would be happy to be of assistance.Modern factories use a continuous process to manufacture conveyor belts. Apart from increasing the manufacturing efficiency, this method provides longer lengths without splicing. This, in turn, reduces the installation and maintenance cost of the belt.

Simplistically stated, a belt is manufactured by embedding the reinforcing material – textile, canvas, nylon, steel cord, or a combination of them – in polymer slabs, usually rubber, and vulcanizing it. To a great extent, the number and type of plies (layers of reinforcing materials) are major factors that determine the strength of the belt.

Steel-wire-reinforced conveyor belts, in which the cords are pretensioned, are extra strong. They are mainly used in mining and handling of heavy material.Underground mining needs flame-resistant belts. The range also includes oil, chemical and heat/cold resistant belts, and belts that are acid-proof or alkali-proof.

Wire mesh belts have good heat and cold resistant properties. They come with a choice of mesh types. Some have tightly woven mesh. In others the mesh opening is large and enables air passage and water jet cleaning. Wire mesh belts can take on light or heavy loads. They can be used for bakeries, cooking lines and for freezing plants.

Over a period of operation, the belts are likely to become slack. This can be corrected with the use of tensioners, which can be automatic or manually operated. A special type of belting is required for acutely inclined and high-speed conveyor systems.The choice of conveyor belt should be made with expert advice. The manufacturers and consultants would be happy to be of assistance.

Company resources:PTFE open meshes, Seamless belts, PTFE sheet, oven liner

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