Silicone Wrist Bands Became Popular

Although silicone wrist bands became popular with Lance Armstrong and his support of cancer victims; they are immensely popular now as corporate giveaways and promotional giveaways. Silicone wristbands are cost effective, memorable and cool! There are many other parts being made of silicone too which means the uses for silicone ink are endless. Silicone keypads and silicone control buttons need to be printed on with silicone ink. Silicone swim caps are extremely popular and need to be printed with logos and such. More products include cell phone holders, tool handles, cable and wire, medical and other tooling. Everyone and their brother wants to take advantage of the characteristics of silicone which means silicone parts.

Messages can be printed, labeling for silicone tubing, wire and cable, logo’s on swim caps and any product can be printed. The ink can be pad printed or silk screened as well as sprayed or dipped. US silicone ink will sit in an ink cup for 24 hours yet cure in two to six minutes when exposed to heat. The reality is it has never been easier to use and more widely needed. Silicone ink comes in vivid primary colors plus clear. With the clear silicone ink you can add your own colorant to get the pan-tone color you may require. Colors include silver, black, white, green, blue, red, yellow, gold. Colors can be mixed to create custom blends. New is a Glhe Dark additive!

Company resources:PTFE silicone products   Seamless belts
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