PTFE is Used Worldwide and Most Slippery Material

PTFE is engineered with a ratio of four fluorine atoms to every two carbon atoms. This means, that the carbon center of the molecule is shielded by fluorine atoms. This means that molecule is almost essentially totally shielded from contact with other molecules. This means that it’s virtually impossible for any other substance to reach the carbon atom. Because of the substance’s unique carbon to fluorine ratio, its bond is just about unbreakable. However, this is not all. The chemical fluorine is also severely anti-social.

Put quite simply, it wants nothing to do with other atoms. It is the loner of the chemical world. As part of the PTFE compound, it’s “goal” is to stay alone and avoid all contact with other atoms. Because of this, anything that comes close is pushed away and doesn’t stick to whatever surface is coated with PTFE. For this very reason, PTFE is used worldwide as the world’s most slippery material.

Company resources:PTFE industrial products  oven liner  baking liner
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