Britannia Ovens——The 60cm single oven only has one colour option

Stainless steel trim and costs around £700. The 60cm twin oven also only has the one colour option and is only available as an all- electric appliance, as all Britannia ovens are. It has a guide price of around £1079.

With Britannia ovens, you get a choice of a 90cm built- in twin oven or built- in single oven. If you want something a bit narrower, there is also a 60cm double oven and a 60cm single oven available. Of all the ranges, the 90cm twin- ovens give the consumer the most choice.

With Britannia ovens, you get a choice of a 90cm built- in twin oven or built- in single oven. If you want something a bit narrower, there is also a 60cm double oven and a 60cm single oven available. Of all the ranges, the 90cm twin- ovens give the consumer the most choice.

Company resources:Seamless belts, PTFE sheet, oven liner,

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